Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
On The Job Injuries
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

On The Job Injury Attorneys in Albany OR

In Oregon, employees are protected by Worker’s Compensation Law if they become injured at work. A settlement for worker’s compensation benefits might cover medical bills and a portion of missed wages until an employee is able to return to work. However, receiving these benefits is not always simple or guaranteed. For instance, there are strict requirements and fixed time limits that, if not followed, will jeopardize your chances of having your claim approved endangering the benefits that you need and deserve. Retaining the services of a knowledgeable worker’s compensation law firm like Shlesinger & deVilleneuve is your best option for protecting your rights and securing your benefits! While worker’s compensation laws are meant to protect the worker, they have become so complex that an injured employee has very little chance of being awarded the benefits they need. Shlesinger & deVilleneuve is dedicated to advocating for those who are injured and overwhelmed by the filing process. We can answer the questions that you have so that you can decide the best course of action to take.

Some of the more common on the job injuries include:

  • Upper body injuries – head, neck/throat, arms, back – triggered by pushing, lifting, pulling, overexertion
  • Lower body injuries – legs, feet, hips – brought on by repetitive motion, lifting, non-ergonomic movements
  • Head injuries – head, neck, ears, vision – triggered by falls, ocular injuries, loss or reduction of hearing
  • Ailments from compounds or toxins – triggered by coal, asbestos, PCB’s, chemical cleaners, etc.
  • Falls, slips, and trips – from a flat surface, from a ladder, roofs, or other elevated areas
  • Machinery – triggered by part of the body getting caught in/under/or between parts of the machinery

The prominent attorneys at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve have decades of experience and knowledge in the worker’s compensation field; we help to guide hundreds of claims each year! We will effectively gather medical records and talk with health care practitioners regarding your case in order to arrange the information that supports your claim for benefits. We will oppose the insurance firm while advocating for your best interest! Your claim will be expertly prepared and presented greatly improving the overall chances that you are approved for benefits! Our work will be done based on a contingency agreement; you will not be required to pay any fee until and only if we secure a settlement for you!

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve has over four decades of expertise battling for the legal rights of hurt Oregonians! Just last year, we effectively concluded approximately one thousand Worker’s Compensation claims. Our firm is specifically designed to not only meet, but exceed your expectations. When you reach out to us, one of our highly trained and compassionate receptionists will make sure to have one of our worker’s compensation team members return your call the same day to set up a free legal assessment. Our fees are based on contingency as provided by Oregon law, so you never need to worry about affording our services. We will not take payment unless we win your case.

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