Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
On the job injuries
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

On The Job Injury Attorneys in Beaverton

Safety awareness in Beaverton workplaces has become more and more of a priority. Many companies have specific safety procedures for how to handle various situations. Depending on what industry you work in, you might even have a person who is officially appointed ‘safety-officer’ at your workplace.

These practices are great for both employer and employee because they create a safe work environment for everyone and, reduce the chances for accidents to happen. The morale in a workplace on the heels of an accident that cause injury to a coworker can be very sad and dark.

Unfortunately, even with extensive safety practices and safety awareness, sometimes accidents just happen and, it is important that you report any accident that you see or are involved in to your employer right away.

Your employer is required, by Oregon law, to maintain a worker’s compensation insurance policy, which provides certain benefits to employees if they are injured at work. For instance, if you are injured while working on the job, your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance policy could provide coverage for your medical bills and, up to two-thirds of your lost wages while you are unable to work.

Reporting the injury immediately and getting professional medical attention are key factors to your eligibility for receiving these benefits. Some of the more common workplace accidents that require a worker’s compensation claim are:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries: Associated with upper body anatomy: i.e.,back, neck, and arms – caused by repetitive motion and over exerting yourself. Pushing, moving, picking up, carrying, etc.
  • Head injuries: (eyes, head, ears, neck) due to falling, ocular injuries, loss of hearing, etc.
  • Substance or toxin induced illness: Chemicals from asbestos, coal, cleaners, PCB’s
  • Falls from same level: trips or slips and falls onto flat surface
  • Falls from elevation: falling off of ladder, roof, or any other platforms
  • Machinery: caused when an employee’s limb or another part of his/her anatomy is caught within the “moving parts” of equipment
  • Auto or other motorized vehicle: work-related vehicle accidents

Each one of these scenarios could easily cause a serious workplace injury and, the medical expenses and loss of wages from a worker’s compensation claim would significantly help to protect your financial future.

However, in order to be eligible for benefits, you must report your injury to your employer as soon as possible, and you must seek professional medical attention for your injuries. The policy that your employer has is owned by an insurance company, which means that there is a claims adjuster whose job it is to make sure that the payout for your claim is as little as possible.

Any expired deadline or missing piece of paperwork will be cause for denying your claim, leaving you injured, with a stack of bills, and no income to pay for anything.

Make sure to contact our office right away if you have suffered an injury on the job. Our team has been fighting against insurance companies on behalf of our injured clients for more than four decades and, we have secured a favorable outcome in more than 95% of those cases.

Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation as soon as possible. Don’t worry about how you will be able to pay our fee, we don’t charge our personal injury clients anything unless we win a settlement or judgment on their behalf. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, we put our clients before our bottom line!

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