Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
Social Security Disability Claims
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

Klamath Falls Social Security Disability Claims

If you are suddenly facing the stressful realization that you are unable to work and need to file a claim for Social Security Disability, the attorneys at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve can help guide you through the complex process. When you hire our law firm you will get the benefit of our decades of experience. We will use our many years of expertise fighting for your rights! We manage more than 1,000 Social Security Disability cases on a yearly basis and are very adept at navigating the system.

While your case for disability might seem obvious, and may even have been medically validated at the time of filing for benefits, the process of actually obtaining your benefits can often time take years. The saying, “all claims go unapproved the first time” is basically true. Mostly, because the Social Security Administration is of the mindset that, regardless of your disability, you are maintain the potential to be gainfully employed in some sort of job. Also, there’s a never-ending backlog of claims that are gradually trickling along in the system, and it takes time to review and process each claim. It is important to enlist the help of a qualified and skilled attorney from the beginning, even just gathering the documentation required to submit with your application can be a stressful process that we can help to alleviate.

Our firm knows how to expeditiously compile and record the health history that supports your case. Our top-notch support staff assisting our legal team will manage the infinite number of forms and documents that need to be to be properly filed. This extra set of eyes is invaluable in making the difference between a claim that is denied or approved, and reduces the waiting period significantly. Our track-record is outstanding. However, if by chance you are denied, we immediately take the necessary steps to submit an application for appeal on your behalf. You can be assured that we will treat your case with the diligence and efficiency so as to dramatically increase the possibility of being approved the very first time!

The purpose of Social Security Disability benefits is to support you, these benefits are there for you. You paid for them and you are entitled to receive them. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, our time is compensated on a contingency basis as decided by law, and, therefore, we will not accept a fee until your claim for benefits is approved. Please get in touch with our offices today and a knowledgeable member of our team will return your call the same day to discuss your specific situation and address when would be a good time for a complimentary consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do I file for disability benefits?
    “Please contact us to discuss filing an application for your Social Security disability benefits.”
  • I just received a denial notice. What should I do?
    It can be disheartening to receive a denial notice from Social Security. This happens to most people when they apply. It is important to file an appeal within the 60-day time limit, and to seek legal advice from a qualified and experienced attorney.
  • Do I need a lawyer to represent me for disability?
    Claimants are not required by Social Security to have an attorney. Individuals can go through the process alone, but it is not advisable. An experienced attorney fighting for you can make all the difference.
  • I requested a hearing months ago. Why is it taking so long?
    There is a backlog of claims at the hearing level all across the country. Average waiting times are around 16 months. Even though it may seem like nothing is happening, this waiting period is an important opportunity for you to improve your chances at hearing. There are things you could be doing right now that might help your case.
  • How much do attorneys charge to represent me for my Social Security disability claim?
    Attorney fees are only paid after being approved by the Social Security Administration and only if you are approved for benefits. Fees are paid out of your retroactive benefits. Currently, federal law allows attorney fees of up to 25% of your retroactive benefits and a maximum of $6000, whichever is less.

Helpful Links:

Social Security Website:

National Institute of Health:

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve
Social Security Benefit Attorneys

At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, our fees are paid contingent on us successfully getting you benefits. In other words, you are not required to pay us unless we win for you! When you contact our office, one of our team members will connect with you the same day and will be happy to book a free consultation. Making certain you are approved for benefits is very important to us. We will take the time to learn about you and your circumstances – you are our priority!

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