Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
Defective and Dangerous Products
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

Product Liability Attorneys Lake Oswego

Each day Lake Oswego residents buy products to use in their homes. Everything from kitchen appliances to toys for the kids are purchased, brought home, and immediately put to use. These products are bought with the expectation that they are safe to use and will not cause harm.

No one purchases an item from a store with the understanding that it will hurt them. As consumers, we assume that if we are using the item as intended by the manufacturer, we will be safe and unharmed.

However, this is not always the case and sometimes a product does cause a person injury or even death. In these instances the law of Product Liability comes into play, making the person or persons who were injured eligible to receive retribution.

It is the burden of the manufacturer to ensure that all items that they produce are made to the correct specifications and meet all safety standards. Unfortunately, some manufacturers value their revenue over the safety of their customers, and they put into circulation products that do not meet these standards.

In fact, there are two instances where product liability law will apply:

  • Products that have been defectively manufactured: This is when a product is flawed as a result of errors during the production of the product; a single product performs inadequately as compared to others just like it, and the deficiency in the product causes injury.
  • Products that have been defectively designed: These are cases where the design of the product is materially flawed; it is not an instance of a single product malfunctioning, but rather the whole line is defective, and there’s a danger of injury and/or death when making use of it.
  • Products that do not have adequate instructions or warnings: This product does not offer evident warning or instructions regarding the ideal use, and death or injury is the end result.

When a product is manufactured, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer that the product be safe to use. There should be significant quality assurance policies and procedures established within the infrastructure of their systems.

However, in many cases these procedures are sub-par, and an item or entire product line is released for the entire population to purchase, take into their homes, and use where, tragically, it causes injury or death.

If this scenario has happened to you or someone that you love, you need a skilled and experienced legal team on your side to fight for your rights. One person against an entire team of attorneys and insurance adjusters is not a fair match, and the team at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve is passionate about evening the odds.

For more than forty years we have worked hard to make sure that injured Oregonians have had a knowledgeable and dedicated legal team on their side. We have expertly managed thousands of personal injury cases and have been successful in 95% of those.

That number is one that we are extremely proud of because it means that we have helped 95% of the people who have come to us secure the remuneration and justice that they deserved!

If you have been injured by a product that you purchased and used properly, contact our office right away. We will start by scheduling your complimentary legal consultation where we can meet you in-person and hear your story. Don’t worry about our fee being too expensive, we will not charge you a dime unless we win for you!

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve
Defective & Dangerous Products Attorneys

Contact our office today so that we may put our years of knowledge to work for you! At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve we work for you on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t have to pay us a cent unless we win your case! Your well-being is our priority and we want to alleviate your stress, not add to it!

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