Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
On the job injuries
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

On The Job Injury Attorneys Lake Oswego

Being injured while on the job can be a devastating experience. Not only can you sustain severe injuries that cause you pain and suffering, but you also face the inability to work and loss of income.

Not being able to work and provide for your family can be a very stressful situation, and does not help with the healing process. In fact, you may feel forced to return to work before you are properly healed if you are unable to work and earn a paycheck.

This scenario is exactly the reason that Oregon law mandates that all employers provide worker’s compensation insurance for their employees. These policies are written to cover medical expenses and up to two-thirds of lost income for employees who are injured at work:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries: Associated with upper body anatomy: i.e.,back, neck, and arms – caused by repetitive motion and over exerting yourself. Pushing, moving, picking up, carrying, etc.
  • Head injuries: (eyes, head, ears, neck) due to falling, ocular injuries, loss of hearing, etc.
  • Substance or toxin induced illness: Chemicals from asbestos, coal, cleaners, PCB’s
  • Falls from same level: trips or slips and falls onto flat surface
  • Falls from elevation: falling off of ladder, roof, or any other platforms
  • Machinery: caused when an employee’s limb or another part of his/her anatomy is caught within the “moving parts” of equipment
  • Auto or other motorized vehicle: work-related vehicle accidents

Unfortunately, the process of applying and being approved for benefits is determined by the insurance company, and they don’t make it easy. In fact, it can be downright overwhelming and discouraging because there are so many boxes that must be checked.

The team at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve has been providing expert guidance and support for injured workers in Oregon for more than four decades, and we have been successful in 95% of those cases.

There are very strict timelines that must be met when applying for worker’s compensation benefits, and these timelines are not flexible. If you miss one, your benefits could be denied. Being injured, unable to work, and denied for benefits is not a situation that anyone wants to be in – and, we can help you to avoid it.

When you file a claim for worker’s compensation benefits, there is a long list of documentation that you must submit to substantiate your application. Things like medical records, imaging reports, emergency treatment charts, personal information, etc. Each of these pieces of paper must support the timeline and the claims written in the report filed with your employer.

The insurance company is motivated to pay as little as possible, so they will be looking for discrepancies and missing forms as a way to avoid paying you the benefits that you deserve. Rather than deal with all of the stress, frustration, and the possibility of having your benefits denied – contact our office today.

We will get you scheduled for a complimentary consultation and begin to gather all of the parts and pieces of the story that we need to compile a thorough and accurate application for your worker’s compensation benefits; dramatically improving your chances of being approved.

If you have already applied but you were denied, call us right away. We might still be able to help you if it is within the timeline for filing an appeal. Don’t hesitate to call because you are worried about our fee. By law, we will not charge you anything for our services unless we win your case and you are awarded benefits.

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve
Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve has over four decades of expertise battling for the legal rights of hurt Oregonians! Just last year, we effectively concluded approximately one thousand Worker’s Compensation claims. Our firm is specifically designed to not only meet, but exceed your expectations. When you reach out to us, one of our highly trained and compassionate receptionists will make sure to have one of our worker’s compensation team members return your call the same day to set up a free legal assessment. Our fees are based on contingency as provided by Oregon law, so you never need to worry about affording our services. We will not take payment unless we win your case.

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