Recognizing Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

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A traumatic brain injury (TBI) usually occurs when a body is thrown around from a sudden movement. This can include a car accident, bicycle accident, motorcycle accident, and more. It can also occur if a piece of debris or hard object like a bullet enters the brain, causing damage. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can identify TBI after a traumatic event.


When to See a Doctor


You should always visit your doctor after receiving any blow to the head. Sometimes TBI can be hard to diagnose, but doctors can take a closer look at your head and brain to see if anything is injured. It is also a good idea in the case of a car accident to document your injuries with a doctor’s visit so it is on record for the future.


Signs of TBI


There are several signs to watch out for with TBI, ranging from mild to severe. If you have been in a car accident and are staying home alone, it is important to call someone to come stay with you in order to observe these symptoms. Identifying the symptoms earlier means you have a better chance for recovery. Here is a list of some common symptoms:


  • Loss of consciousness
  • A persistent headache
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Pupil dilation in one or both eyes
  • Agitation
  • Loss of coordination
  • Clear fluids coming from the nose and mouth
  • Confusion
  • Odd behaviors
  • Slurred speech


If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is time to seek help immediately. They could indicate a larger problem and need medical attention right away.


TBI in Children


Children may not be able to clearly express the symptoms they are experiencing after a TBI. It is important to carefully observe their behavior to provide them with proper medical care. The symptoms are typically the same as with an adult, but they might be even harder to catch. If you suspect a TBI in a child, your best bet is to have a medical professional evaluate the situation.


If you or a loved one has suffered from a TBI as the result of someone else’s negligence, give our offices a call. Our team of dedicated lawyers is ready to help you get the settlement you need to pay for medical bills as you recover from your injuries.

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