Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
On The Job Injuries
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

On The Job Injuries Attorneys Roseburg

Have you been injured at your job? Has your health been severely compromised because of conditions where you work? Oregon’s Worker’s Compensation law is intended to protect employees when they are injured on the job. Worker’s Compensation insurance should cover all of your medical bills, as well as two-thirds of your salary until you are able to return to work, whenever that may be. Unfortunately, filing a “workers’ comp” claim can be extremely difficult to accomplish in Oregon. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, our skilled attorneys have years of experience in the field of worker’s compensation law; we successfully handled almost 1000 Worker’s Compensation claims last year alone!

IMPORTANT! Worker’s Compensation Insurance has very strict requirements in place, it is vital that you file your workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible; there are time limits for filing for on-the-job injury claims. In addition, If you are denied, you must file an appeal within 60 days, or lose your benefits entirely! The benefits you receive will depend on the nature of the injuries you have. The most common on-the-job injuries include:

  • Injuries to Upper body: (neck, back, arms, hands) often caused by overexertion – lifting, pushing, repetitive motion, hand pinching, gripping, vibration, etc.
  • Injuries to Lower Body: (hips, legs, knees, feet) often caused by overexertion, kneeling, squatting, repetitive motion, lifting, awkward posture, etc.
  • Head Injuries: (head, neck, eyes, ears) often caused by falls, eyesight injuries, hearing loss, etc.
  • Illnesses From Substances, Toxins and/or Chemicals: often caused by coal, asbestos, PCB’s, pesticides, chemical cleaners, etc.
  • Falls: slips, trips, and falls on flat surface, or falls from ladders, roofs or other elevated areas
  • Machinery & Moving Vehicles: caused when part of the body is caught in/under/between pieces of machinery, and/or work-related auto/truck accidents, accidents while operating lifting machinery, cherry-pickers, etc.

The skilled lawyers at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve have the medical knowledge to talk to your doctors and gather the facts, and we are dedicated to facing down the big insurance companies who will try to deny your claim – or award you as little as possible! We will make sure that your claim is properly prepared and all your paperwork is in order, so that you receive your benefits as quickly as possible. Our firm works on a contingency basis, with limits that are set by the state, and we only accept a fee when you receive your benefits. Call our office; we will get back to you the same day to schedule your complimentary consultation. Shlesinger & deVilleneuve will fight for you when you cannot! We don’t work for the bottom line – we work for you!

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve has over four decades of expertise battling for the legal rights of hurt Oregonians! Just last year, we effectively concluded approximately one thousand Worker’s Compensation claims. Our firm is specifically designed to not only meet, but exceed your expectations. When you reach out to us, one of our highly trained and compassionate receptionists will make sure to have one of our worker’s compensation team members return your call the same day to set up a free legal assessment. Our fees are based on contingency as provided by Oregon law, so you never need to worry about affording our services. We will not take payment unless we win your case.

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