Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
Motorcycle Accidents
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

Salem Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Oregon is a perfect state for motorcyclists; we have thousands of miles of scenic roads that run through beautiful countryside; whatever scenery a motorcyclist prefers – whether it’s sea coast, mountains, or desert – Oregon has it all! More motorcyclists, however, often mean that we have more motorcycle accidents, unfortunately. It has been statistically proven that motorcyclists are some of the safest drivers on the road. In fact, most accidents involving a motorcycle are with automobiles and the car or truck driver is found at fault. The major problem a motorcyclist has, then, is that – regardless how carefully they are driving – they are left to the mercy of car and truck drivers. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, we know that there is no contest who suffers more injury when a car and a motorcycle are in an accident. Motorcycle injuries are almost always going to be far more serious and extensive than they will be for anyone inside a car. Even with helmets, the head and neck area are extremely vulnerable, and the possibility of traumatic brain injury (TBI), nerve damage, spinal cord injury (SCI), paralysis, amputation, and death is greater than in any other kind of vehicular accident. Some of the more common causes for motorcycle accidents are:

  • Poor road conditions; potholes, uneven pavement
  • Automobile drivers turning into a motorcyclist’s lane, violating his or her right-of-way
  • Defective helmets, motorcycle equipment, or components
  • Automobile drivers failure to yield to motorcyclists at highway exit and entrance ramps

The attorneys at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve understand that the second biggest problem motorcyclists often have is that there is still a negative social bias towards “bikers.” “Bikers” were portrayed in an unfavorable way in the entertainment media in years past, and this is the mindset and attitude insurance companies will often take when it comes to motorcycle accidents. Despite all current evidence that disproves this – they will bring this into play when negotiating your settlement. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you need an attorney who understands the strategy and tactics that the insurance company will use – and how to challenge them! At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, we know what needs to be done to protect your rights! We will fight to get you the settlement you deserve, or we will take your case to court! Call our offices for a complimentary consultation; there is never any fee unless there is a recovery on your behalf. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve – our clients are our number one concern; let us fight for you when you cannot!

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