What is Workers’ Compensation?

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Workers’ Compensation is compensation to employees that are injured on the job.  In Oregon, you don’t have to prove that you did something wrong or the employer did anything wrong to receive compensation for your injury.  You can get compensated if you got hurt on the job. 

You may get worker’s compensation benefits for time off work, permanent disabilities, medical care, training for a new position, or death benefits.

If you accept worker’s compensation, then you usually cannot sue for additional compensation with some exceptions.

To qualify for worker’s compensation in Oregon, you must report that you were injured on the job within 90 days.  If it is an occupational illness that is connected to your work-related duties, then you have a year to report your illness.  The notice you file with your employer must be written and explain all the details of your injury or illness.

Medical treatment is covered once you notify your employer, and they tell you the process to get the treatment.  You can go to your own doctor or a doctor that your company provides.  There will be paperwork for the insurance company to fill out during your appointment.

If you are clear about your injury during the whole process, everything tends to go smoothly.  If there are inaccuracies, then you may have a denial of benefits.   If this is the case, you may have to pay for all the expenses or some of them.  If there is an investigation, the insurance company will still cover benefits until the end of the investigation, and then you will get a notice of denial or acceptance.  You do have a right to appeal a denial.

If you need help with an appeals process for worker’s compensation, we can help you so that you aren’t at a disadvantage during your hearing.  Having a professional lawyer on your side can help your case and reduce your stress!

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