What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

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Driving a motorcycle through the vibrant landscape of the Medford, Oregon, region is an exceptional experience. However, much like driving an automobile, riding a motorcycle comes with certain risk factors that all riders should be aware of when driving, such as:  


  • Lack of protection from an exterior frame
  • Absence of common vehicle safety features, including seat belts and air bags
  • Reduced visibility in blind spots


In addition to being aware of the potential risks of riding a motorcycle, riders should also have a solid idea of how to handle a motorcycle collision. Consult the guidelines below to help you gain a better understanding of what you should do in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident.


Examine for Injuries  

Even if you don’t think you are hurt, conduct a self-check to help you determine if there are any significant issues that the medical personnel should be aware of when they arrive at the scene. However, not all common accident injuries, such as concussions, are overtly recognizable. Consult a medical professional as soon as possible after you have been in a motorcycle accident to identify any covert injuries.


Move Your Motorcycle

If the conditions are safe and you aren’t hurt or feeling weak, move your motorcycle out of the road and away from ongoing traffic. Since motorcycles are smaller than average vehicles, drivers may not see them until after they cause another accident.


Take Photographs

If the conditions are safe, take photos to document the damage done. Pictures of the accident site can also help show the factors that may have caused the accident, such as difficult weather conditions or a lack of proper road signs.


Get Information

Be sure to request and document the information of all other people involved in the accident, including names, phone numbers, and vehicle registrations. If there were any witnesses of the accident, consider asking for their information.


Consult an Attorney

No matter who is at fault for the accident, you will want to get a comprehensive understanding of your legal rights; it’s easiest to do this with the assistance of a personal injury attorney in Medford. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and have sustained injuries, contact the lawyers at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve today.

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