Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.
Workers Compensation
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C.

Eugene Worker Compensation Attorneys

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys aggressively represent injured workers with denied claims, accepted claims, permanent disability determinations, medical service disputes, vocational retraining rights, settlement of claims and third-party claims.

In every state, Worker’s Compensation Insurance is intended to protect an employee if he or she is injured on the job; the law is intended to cover medical care and provide partial wages until the employee is able to return to work. Unfortunately, in Oregon, the worker’s compensation insurance laws have now become so complex that most employees find they need an attorney to help them navigate their worker’s compensation insurance claims and make sure they receive their benefits! There are five basic kinds of Workers’ Compensation Benefits:

  • Medical care for the injury or illness
  • Replacement income
  • Vocational or retraining costs
  • Compensation for permanent injuries
  • Benefits to survivors of workers who are killed on the job

When you file a “worker’s comp” claim, you are no longer dealing with your employer; you are dealing with the insurance company your employer engaged to provide their worker’s compensation insurance. Sadly, your employer’s insurance company is going to do everything possible to pay you as little as possible; they do not have your best interests at heart – we do. This is why the attorneys at Shlesinger & deVilleneuve specialize in worker’s compensation law; the firm was founded on our passion for advocating for clients who are at the mercy of big insurance companies! When it comes to worker’s comp, a single person, alone and injured, has very little hope of fair treatment or compensation in these cases without an experienced attorney. At Shlesinger & deVillenueve, we have more than four decades of experience fighting for the rights of injured Oregonians! We understand the complexity of Oregon’s worker’s compensation laws and know how to help you get the benefits you are entitled to!

It is important to know that Oregon has very strict time limits; time is of the essence! It is vital that you seek medical attention and tell your employer that you have been injured immediately! If possible, You should call our office within the week so we can help you gather the information you need and give you valuable advice on how to proceed with your claim. When you call our office, we will get back to you the same day to schedule an appointment. Our attorney’s fees for worker’s compensation cases are strictly contingent; we accept no fee for helping you unless we win for you. At Shlesinger & deVilleneuve, your welfare comes first!

Filing a Claim

Strict time limits control this process. A claim should be filed immediately with your employer for whom you were injured. Injured workers in Oregon experience some of the toughest hurdles. Tell your employer promptly when you know you have been hurt on the job. Get medical attention promptly. You must also give the medical provider accurate and complete information as to where, time, and how the incident occurred. Make sure you review this information with the provider before leaving his/her office. Many cases are won or lost depending on the contemporaneous history given to the medical provider who treats you for your injuries. Do not allow anyone to pressure you into failing to promptly report your injury EXACTLY as it happened! -immediately. Contact us promptly if you need assistance with filing your claim..

Denied Claims

Strict time limits control this process. The notice should contain a strict time limit to appeal if your claim is denied. If you receive a denial letter or notice of closure, you only have 60 days to reply. If you miss this deadline, you probably will be barred from appealing. Contact us promptly to avoid being stopped from appealing a good case. Contact us promptly if you have received a denial on your claim.

Notice of Closure

When your claim is closed, you may receive a notice awarding permanent partial disability benefits. This notice should also contain a strict time limit to appeal. If you receive a denial notice or notice of closure, you only have 60 days to reply. Again, you must act within this time limit to avoid losing the opportunity to increase an insufficient award. If you have received a Notice of Closure, do not trust the insurance company to award you the right amount of money. It takes an experienced attorney to navigate through this process and fight for everything you are entitled to. Contact us promptly if you have received a Notice of Closure.

Medical Service and Vocational Retraining Disputes

Under the current trends of Oregon Workers’ Compensation, it is not uncommon for an injured worker to be denied necessary medical services or vocational retraining. Insurance companies are often reluctant to pay for necessary surgeries and treatment. Again, notices denying any of these types of benefits are accompanied by strict time frames. If you receive a notice that your medical treatment is being refused or you do not qualify for vocational retraining benefits, please get in touch with us promptly so we can advocate for your rights.

Third-Party claims
Occasionally, an injured worker is hurt at a job site controlled by someone other than his/her employer or by an individual not associated with the worker’s employer. When this occurs, the worker may have what is called a third-party claim which is very similar to a personal injury claim. A third-party claim potentially provides an additional source of recovery to an injured worker. These claims also contain strict time limits that an injured worker is often completely unaware of. Contact us promptly if you have been involved in such a work injury.


Settlement of your Workers’ Compensation claim is often a viable option. If you are interested in pursuing settlement of your Oregon Workers’ Compensation claim, this requires an experienced attorney. The insurance company will not be looking after your interest when it comes to a potential settlement of your claim. If you receive any form of a settlement offer, call us right away, since you may be signing away valuable rights and agreeing to an amount far less than what you are entitled to.

Attorney Fees

Attorney fees in Oregon Workers’ Compensation cases are set by state statute. The manner of which a fee is paid depends on how your claim is resolved. Attorney fees are strictly contingent. This means you do not owe your attorney a fee if you do not receive a recovery or increase in benefits.


Sometimes it is necessary for your attorney to incur out-of-pocket costs to develop your case. This is often true if there is a denial on your case and we are preparing your case for hearing and/or possible settlement. These are not attorney fees, but fees for such things as medical record duplicating charges, attorney-doctor conferences, treating doctor medical reports, forensic investigation, expert witness fees, filing fees, court reporting fees, arbitration/trial court fees, etc.

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Worker’s Compensation Attorneys

Shlesinger & deVilleneuve has over four decades of expertise battling for the legal rights of hurt Oregonians! Just last year, we effectively concluded approximately one thousand Worker’s Compensation claims. Our firm is specifically designed not only to meet, but exceed your expectations. When you reach out to us, one of our highly trained and compassionate receptionists will make sure to have one of our worker’s compensation team members return your call the same day to set up a free legal assessment. Our fees are based on contingency, provided by Oregon law, so you never need to worry about paying for our services. We will not take payment unless we win your case.

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