Community Involvement
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys are commitmented to the communities in which we practice. Following is a sample list of organizations, events and causes that we support:
- Scholastic Scholarships
- South Eugene High School Dance Club
- Kidsports
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Red Cross
- Special Olympics
- Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America
- Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
- The Arc of Jackson County
- Early Education Program
- Salvation Army
- Scouts Golf Classic
- Shelter Care
- The Science Factory
- Kid Jam
- Zany Pet Zoo
- Early Environments Education
- Christian Children’s Fund
- Roseburg High School Marching Band
- Klamath Falls Children’s Museum
- Medford Little League
- Medford Library
- Eugene Chamber of Commerce
- Multiple Elementary, Middle and High Schools throughout the State of Oregon
- KLCC Public Broadcasting
- Oregon Public Broadcasting
Shlesinger & deVilleneuve We Emphasize Service
We take the time to listen, and try to respond quickly to your concerns. Working with you as you recover from your injuries, we develop your legal case to its best potential and obtain fair compensation for your claim. As a client of Shlesinger & deVilleneuve Attorneys, P.C., you can expect prompt, competent and friendly legal representation.